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December is coming to an end and this month's theme is "Goodbye, 2019!". This month RIS's students actively prepared for their New Year shows and concerts, participated in field events and helped with various charity projects and initiatives. 
Charity initiative "Goodness Tree"
Every year, RIS’ students participate in the charity initiative "Goodness Tree" together with their teachers and parents. For a short period of time, everyone has the opportunity to become a magician and fulfill children's dreams, because children, regardless of age, sincerely believe in miracles.
This year we supported forty-eight children from the Young Guard orphanage. Every RIS pupil chose a gift that they personally presented to each recipient.
Every year we hold charity events and initiatives to help and support various orphanages in the Moscow region. In addition to helping with various projects, we also teach RIS’s students such human qualities as kindness, compassion, love for one's neighbor and the ability to share.
We believe that together we can do more!
Also in December, special boxes were installed in every RIS campus to raise funds for the Gift of Life Foundation. All collected funds will be used for the needs of children with cancer, haematological and other serious diseases.
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New Year's Excursions and Tours 
Before the New Year holidays RIS's pupils visited Klinskoe podvorodstvo and the museum of Christmas tree ornaments, where they could see the work of master glass blowers and artists, walk through the workshop producing and painting glass toys. In addition, they took part in the master class, where under the guidance of masters they painted a New Year's glass ball and shaped toy.
Another tour- which took place at the end of the academic year - was a trip to the Manor of Santa Claus. The Moscow Estate of Santa Claus is a magical place in the Kuzminsky Forest, where you can take a tour of the native Russian Terem, to lead a round dance around the Christmas tree on the square and have fun with classmates!
At Russian International School we actively involve children in external projects and conduct educational and entertaining excursions in order to broaden children's horizons and increase their motivation. All projects and excursions are carefully selected so that the visit and participation is not only interesting, but also proves useful.
НГ экскурсии 2019
New Year's shows 
At the end of December, Christmas shows were conducted at all RIS's campuses.  Every Christmas show requires serious training and rehearsal, a process which entails extra hours of hard work for teachers and students. From year to year we continue to organize and conduct more and more large-scale and colorful events. And we see how valuable this is for both parents and children.
НГ елочки 2019

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