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We have already told you about the RIS Secondary project written by students for students - an online magazine! We are happy to inform you that new articles have appeared in the magazine! 

As part of the English programme, Mr. Sklyar teaches children how to write articles and essays in various styles, how to design them correctly, and how to show pupils the basics of working with websites and other electronic sites. This project enables students to practice teamwork and self-organisational skills! In addition, the online magazine is a direct practice for writing the texts that students will need to pass their exams!

Students told us how they created the online magazine and why it is important for them!

How did you decide to create an online magazine?

Leon: The teacher said to us that if we are now doing articles topic we can do articles for a magazine, so I thought that it is interesting, so wrote some articles.

Mikhail: Our class collectively decided to create the online magazine during distance learning to have an outlet for our interests and prevent boredom.

Alexei: We created the online magazine during quarantine to have an outlet for our interests to prevent boredom.

Why is this magazine important to you? 

Leon: It is my portfolio with quite a lot of my work.

Mikhail: The magazine allows me to express my interests and discuss subjects I like with feedback from which I can further improve. This gives me the ability to simultaneously learn about my preferred subjects, such as physics and philosophy while simultaneously improving my English language capabilities.

Alexei: Because this functions as a portfolio for university applications, which will allow me to better show my abilities in the future.

What do you write about in the magazine? 

Leon: I am writing about computer linked themes.

Mikhail: I have lately been discussing the impact of mathematics, science and philosophy on human society and analyzing the relationships between them.

Alexei: I have discussed oil leaks, cuisine, business, etc. Anything that pertains to my interests.

What was the most difficult thing for you in this project?

Leon: Writing articles regularly, sometimes ideas ran out.

Mikhail: Adapting to various audiences that I never thought I would have to appeal to. This presented me a moderate challenge.

Alexei: I did not find anything difficult about this project. 

Do you think this project will be useful to you in the future?

Leon: Yes, it develop my writing and finishing on time skills. 

Mikhail: Yes, this project will help me present my capabilities and improvements I have made throughout high school when applying to universities.

Alexei: As mentioned above, the project will function as a portfolio for university applications to show my achievements within the time I spent in high school and increase my appeal.

How do you plan to develop your project? Do you already have any ideas?

Leon: I will write more digital linked content.  Leon

Mikhail: Yes, I plan to continue writing about various scientific and mathematical topics. However, I do not have anything planned for my next article just yet.

Alexei: We develop the project by publishing new articles to it every two weeks. I will possibly write about going to the moon in my next article.

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