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The month of October is over, which was called the month of English language and literature! As part of this month, we held a number of interesting and varied events at the Russian International School! As always we will sum up and tell you about the most significant events!

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Traditional English tea party - "Afternoon tea party"

Teachers of the international programme told the children how this tradition was born and about the right manners during the ceremony! At the end of the tea party, a small quiz was held, and the children answered questions!

Online project of our high-school students

For the whole month, students have been working on their huge project - an online magazine! Under the guidance of a teacher of the English programme, children were practically trained to write articles and essays in various styles, correct design, and the basics of working with websites and other electronic platforms!

Book Fair

As part of the English Language and Literature Month, a children's book fair was organised at the Russian International School by the British publishing house Usborne, the leader in the children's literature market! Our students got acquainted with the cult works of British authors and were able to read them in their original language!

Excursion to historical sites of Moscow

At the Russian International School there was a sightseeing tour of the historical sites of Moscow, called "Time Machine", where our students learned a lot of new and interesting things! The children were told how Moscow's architectural monuments have changed, how the most famous buildings were built, and also told about important historical events!

Autumn changes in nature's life" class

During the class, the children analysed the changes in the life of nature, learned about the direction of Sience and Art, that science and art are closely linked and did a small creative group work!

Magical fairy tales

As part of their Russian language and literature studies, the children divided into groups and together wrote fairy tales and beautifully decorated them! Within each group, the guys divided up their responsibilities: someone wrote a story, someone beautifully wrote it and someone illustrated it.

Autumn reading

The guys got acquainted with the work of the Russian poet A.S. Pushkin, and also learned about the peculiarities of the language of fairy tales and poems, and read the poem "Autumn" and defined the author's attitude to this wonderful time of year!


And the module ended with Halloween!The whole week was preparing for the holiday: pumpkins were made, unusual costumes were invented and their classes were decorated, and on Friday the Halloween party took place, where the participants were awarded, fun games and contests were held!


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