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Great news - the new issue of RIS Magazine, written by the students for the students, is out! 

During the first term, the students worked on the issue to cover topics and school events that interested them. They also interviewed their classmates! Every year we get more and more students involved in this project.


Why the school magazine is important:

It Improves creative skills.
Having a school magazine gives students the opportunity to showcase their writing skills and voice their opinions. Since fresh ideas are bubbling in their young minds, the magazine is the best way to bring them to life creatively.

It improves language skills.
Since this is an international program project, kids write articles exclusively in English. As a result, they improve their writing and language skills, including their vocabulary.

It facilitates the educational process.
Involving students in writing stories, poems, creative works reinforces the educational process by nurturing and sharpening their skills to spark their interest in learning.

It develops communication.
The student magazine is a great way to build communication between different classes in the school. Students get together, interact, brainstorm , and develop ideas. It also helps improve communication with each other.

It boosts confidence.
When students get a platform to express their thoughts without any fear, it helps build their confidence. Writing for the school magazine makes them feel special and enthusiastic about showcasing their skills.


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