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Dual Diploma Program at Russian International School

Dual Diploma Program at Russian International School: Expanding Educational Horizons

Russian International School holds a special place in the field of education, offering its students a unique dual diploma program. This innovative bilingual program provides students with the opportunity to receive two secondary education certificates: a Russian diploma and an international diploma, opening up broad possibilities for further education and career prospects.

Kak ustroena programma dvojnogo attestata v RIS

The dual diploma program at Russian International School offers a school day divided into two blocks: Russian and International. The International block is based on the English National Curriculum and includes subjects necessary for GCSE and A-Level examinations. The Russian block corresponds to the requirements of the Russian education system and includes subjects necessary for obtaining a Russian secondary education diploma.

The main goal of this program is to provide students with comprehensive development and quality preparation in accordance with the highest standards of International and Russian education.

One of the key factors for the success of the dual diploma program at Russian International School is the integrated and comprehensive approach to education. We strive to provide our students with all the necessary tools and resources for their academic and personal development. Through a comprehensive and flexible approach, we create optimal conditions for learning and growth, fostering not only academic skills but also leadership qualities, creative thinking, and independence.

Another important factor for success is our professional international team of teachers, psychologists, methodologists, and other specialists. They apply innovative teaching methods and create a stimulating educational environment that develops students in all aspects of their lives. Our team has extensive experience in bilingual education and is ready to support each student on their learning journey.

The third key factor for successful education is an individual approach to each student. We take into account the needs, interests, and unique characteristics of each student to create the best conditions for their learning and development. We support academic achievements as well as personal growth, encouraging independence, creative thinking, and critical reasoning.

The English National Curriculum is widely used in many schools around the world. It provides a high level of academic knowledge and a wide range of developmental skills. The program offers a variety of subjects, including languages, mathematics, natural sciences, humanities, and arts. Students study these subjects and take corresponding exams, such as GCSE and A-Level, which are internationally recognized qualification exams.

The Russian program fully aligns with the Russian Federal State Educational Standards. This means that students receive a complete Russian education and can successfully meet the requirements of Russian exams such as the Unified State Exam (EGE) and the Basic State Exam (OGE).

What are the advantages of the dual diploma program at Russian International School for students?

University preparation: The dual diploma program at Russian International School thoroughly prepares students for admission to top universities both in Russia and abroad. Students acquire the academic knowledge, skills, and competencies necessary for successful higher education.

International certification: The international diploma obtained within the program is recognized by leading universities worldwide. This allows students to apply for admission to prestigious and highly-rated educational institutions, expanding their global prospects.

Comprehensive knowledge and skills: The program provides students with a wide range of academic subjects and the opportunity to study various disciplines. This helps develop deeper knowledge and skills in different areas, giving students an advantage when applying to higher education institutions.

The dual diploma program at Russian International School opens doors to the world of education and career opportunities for our students. It provides them with unique advantages and a global perspective necessary in the modern world, equipping them with a wide range of knowledge, skills, and self-confidence.

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