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Bilingual School and Education: What Is It?

In recent years, there has been a significant increase in the popularity of bilingual schools, and for good reason. As international communication becomes an integral part of our daily lives, bilingual education takes the spotlight. That's why more and more parents recognize the value of bilingual education and strive for their children to learn a foreign language alongside their native language.

Russian International School, a bilingual school in Moscow, offers its students a learning system where they study two languages simultaneously. Unlike schools with intensive foreign language programs, a bilingual program provides full immersion in the language environment throughout the entire period of education. The bilingual program allows children to acquire deeper knowledge of both languages, improving their conversational, reading, and writing skills in both languages. This means that language is not treated as a separate subject but used as a means of communication and learning in all subjects. This approach promotes natural and profound language acquisition as children constantly engage in its practical use.

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However, bilingual education also offers several other advantages:

Improvement of cognitive skills: Learning two languages simultaneously stimulates children's cognitive functions such as logical thinking, concentration, memory, and creative thinking. They develop the ability to switch between different language systems and analyze information. This contributes to the development of logical, critical, and creative thinking.

Cross-cultural awareness: Bilingual education allows children to become familiar with the culture and traditions of different countries. Students not only learn the language but also immerse themselves in the cultural environment associated with the language, studying its literature, art, traditions, and customs. This helps them develop a deep intercultural understanding, tolerance, flexible thinking, and the ability to work in a multinational and multicultural environment.

Enhanced academic performance: Bilingual education promotes higher academic achievement and improved learning outcomes as it develops study skills, mental flexibility, and analytical thinking.

International opportunities: Learning two languages opens doors to expanding opportunities on an international level. Bilingual school students have an advantage in university admissions and acquire skills in demand in the global workforce.

Bilingual education may present challenges, but it also offers unique opportunities and advantages that can have a long-lasting positive impact on a child's development. At Russian International School, we have created a supportive and nurturing environment where each child receives the necessary support and assistance. Our team of experienced educators and bilingual education specialists ensures that students cope with the intensity of learning in two languages. We employ methods that facilitate gradual language acquisition. Each child receives individual attention and support to overcome any difficulties and succeed in the bilingual environment.

Choosing bilingual education is an investment in a child's future, providing them with advantages and opportunities for personal growth. Regardless of the educational path you choose, remember that it is important to create a supportive and stimulating environment where your child can unleash their potential and achieve success.

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