Russian International School is a unique educational center for children from 2 to 18 years of aged , providing Russian and international education at the same time. In the process of learning, our students prepare for the Russian Unified State Exam, as well as the international IGCSE and A-LEVEL exams. Upon graduation, students receive 2 diplomas: Russian and international, which allows them to be considered for the best Russian and international universities.
RIS cooperates with leading universities. We know the admission requirements of leading Russian and international universities and try to take them into account in the design of curricula. Throughout the educational process, we adjust the curriculum of each pupil in accordance with their individual goals and their chosen development trajectory.
Further education abroad is an important and serious step, and we responsibly prepare our graduates for it. In addition to receiving higher education abroad, there are short-term program options that allow you to understand how much preparation is appropriate for your child. These include exchange programs for schoolchildren, study abroad options, and language courses in other countries. The RIS affiliate network includes a large number of proven education consulting agencies, and we will gladly recommend a reliable partner to ensure that your child’s rest and study abroad is not only pleasant, but also effective.