The doors of our Russian International School - Preschool are always open to parents who want to learn more about all aspects of the educational and the educational processes of the kindergarten. We are ready to arrange for you an individual meeting with teachers and a tour of the kindergarten. The visit should be agreed in advance by phone +7(495) 974-04-55 or by e-mail mail@rischool.info.
Enrollment of a child in our kindergarten is based on psychological and pedagogical diagnosis and an interview with parents. Important conditions are:
- A combination of value orientations and ideas about the desired lifestyle for the child and the educational result;
- The combination of the style of communication and behavior adopted in the family and in school;
- Respect for norms and rules adopted in kindergarten.
To enroll in a kindergarten, the following DOCUMENTS are required:
- APPLICATION for admission to the kindergarten should be completed and signed by the parent or legal representative.
- Copy of the passport of the parent (legal representative), entering into a training agreement;
- Birth certificate of the child and a copy;
- Extract from the home book about the registration of the child;
- Medical certificate.
For all our all children there must absolutely be a so-called ADAPTATION PERIOD. When entering the kindergarten, the usual living conditions of the child in the family (the regime, the nature of nutrition, communication, etc.) change. Due to all of this, the child needs to adjust, which does not always happen easily or quickly.
Psychologists of the Preschool Branch of RIS will develop a number of recommendations, following which you will help your child to overcome the adaptation period as quickly and as gently as possible to feel comfortable in the kindergarten.